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Iain Smith's Wine Shop Exeter, Devon

"... it's a mouthful."


Iain Smith's Wine Shop Exeter, Devon

"... it's a mouthful."


This site does not exist to sell you anything.

It is an invitation. No more than a desire to share the simple pleasures that life has to offer (as long as it involves food and/or wine!).

Not everybody will have as much fun here as I do, but ...........

...... you might.

You might really enjoy drinking nice wine and be willing to have an adventure to discover more nice wines.

You might enjoy eating delicious food with friends you’ve never met before, seated between walls of wine!

You, like me, may enjoy both.

Iain Smiths Wine Shop Exeter
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Wine Exeter, Devon


Wine Exeter, Devon



...... all booze...... long as it’s good.

Now then, this is a relative concept –

“Do I like it?”

“Don’t I like it?”

“Do I know why I like it?”

“Do I know why I don’t like it?”

“Does it matter? Or am I just crapping on?!”

At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is yours.

What one likes as an individual is what is right for that individual, and anybody that tries to tell you any different can sod off.

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Iain Smith Exeter Wine Merchant
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But also consider how one's palate is affected by other influences, predominately food. A red wine one may feel is a little bit dry, a little bit tannic on it's own may turn out to be as delicious as angels’ tears when accompanied by a slow roast shoulder of lamb.  

At Smith’s, we see our role in this performance as the introducers of delicious, previously undiscovered ingredients to embellish life’s wonderful adventure. Whether it be a stunning quaffer for everyday glugging, a little something naughty for the weekend, a beautiful gift for a much cared for loved one, to be aged and enjoyed in the future.

The shop is stocked with treats at every price point. Just pop in or phone up and tell us what you desire (within reason obviously).


Dinner Parties Exeter, Devon

mmmmm ..... Supper

Dinner Parties Exeter, Devon

mmmmm ..... Supper

Smith’s – It’s a wine shop, not a restaurant!

(However we do serve a fabulous “Cheeky Mid-Week Supper”!)

How much poncey nonsense is forced upon us about food?

How many images of brightly coloured, tinily portioned dishes are our senses bludgeoned with on a regular basis?

Fine dining this, wine flight that! Masterchef pish and Bake Off tosh!

At Smith’s, we feel that this is a load of old chuff.

At this point it would be far too easy to waste your time and ours by banging on about ethical sourcing this and discovering organic that.

Enough to say that 90% of the food served in Smith’s is sourced from our neighbours on Magdalen Road.

To this end, we serve supper on our lovely big dining table, which runs down the middle of the shop, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


There is no choice.

The food will NOT be vegetarian.

The food will NOT be fat free.

Although we have sympathy for customers with dietary issues, they are not catered for here.

What we cook is what you get. 

No matter what main course has been cooked, it’s £12 and is served down the middle of the table where everybody mucks in and serves each other.

We then match three different wines at differing price points with the dish.

A glass of the least expensive wine is £2.50, a glass of the next wine is £5.00 and the most expensive wine starts at £7.50 a glass but could go anywhere depending on what gets pulled off the shelf.

If I have time during the day, I will make a pudding, if not, a cheese board will be available. Dessert wine with pud, port with cheese, it’s £7.50.

Starter available if..... a. requested or b. I can be bothered.

Dinner at Smiths Wine Shop Exeter
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Wedding Drink Exeter, Devon


(we're pretty bloody good at this)

Wedding Drink Exeter, Devon


(we're pretty bloody good at this)

Beyond the shop... 

Whatever the event we have extensive experience, not only in supplying the right products, but also advising on working with budgets.

Basically, we'll get you the best booze for the money you want to spend or less. 


Wine Shop Exeter, Devon

Make Contact, Let me lead you Astray

Wine Shop Exeter, Devon

Make Contact, Let me lead you Astray

If you can't come in for a chat, call or email

Either way ...

Let Iain lead you astray.


01392 426550




Shop Hours

- Tuesday to Saturday (10am to 7pm)


- Tuesday to Thursday (from 7:30pm)


47 Magdalen Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4TA

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